About Us

Our Mission...

Partnering with churches in serving their communities, so that Jesus is loved and worshipped in every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Our Ethos...

We are convinced that the gospel is the hope of the whole world, and that God has chosen His Church to extend this hope to people of every nation, tribe, and tongue. Everywhere we work, we seek to partner with and build up local churches in their God-given work of serving their own communities. It is our desire that the next generation would not know the name of Emmanuel International, but rather would simply know the name of Christ, brought to them through their local church. As we partner with local churches in serving communities, we encourage churches to have both a holistic and a global focus in their ministry, that they would engage in ministry that addresses the whole person and the whole world. 

Our Statement of Faith...


We believe in God’s triune nature: the unity of the Godhead of three equal persons. Deut 6:4 | Matt 28:19 | II Cor 13:14

God the Father

We believe in God the Father: a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His attributes. John 4:24 | Ex 34:6 

God the Son

We believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ: His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and His imminent return for His bride, the Church. John 1:1 | Isaiah 7:14 | Heb 7:26 | I Cor 15:3-4 | Acts 1:11 

God the Spirit

We believe in God the Holy Spirit: His indwelling presence in every true believer; His baptism of all who believe into the body of Christ; generating new life in Christ; and sealing the believer for eternity. John 14:17 | Rom 6:3-5 | I Cor 12:13 | II Cor 1:21-22 

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, with no errors in the original writings and our guide and final authority in faith and life. II Tim 3:15-16 | II Peter 1:21 | John 17:17 


We believe in humanity’s separation from Christ by sin; humanity’s total fallen nature requiring Christ’s atoning sacrifice for reunion with God through salvation; humanity’s creation in the image of God resulting in the immeasurable intrinsic value of each human from conception to death. Ps 139:13-16 | Eph 2:1-3, 12-13 


We believe in salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as the sole means of attaining eternal life.  John 3:16 | Rom 6:23 | Eph 2: 8-9 

Heaven and Hell

We believe in the everlasting reward of the saved in heaven and the everlasting punishment of the lost in hell.  Matt 25:26 | Phil 3:19-21 

The Church

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ in the world today, in both its universal aspect, the whole body of those born again in the Spirit, and its local expression, the assembly established for worship and witness.   Eph 1:22-23, 5:25-32 | Acts 15:41, 16:5 

Our Values...

We are Christians

We love and follow Jesus Christ, whose name is Emmanuel “God with Us.”

We uphold the truth of the Bible and seek to live according to its standards.

We believe that submission to the Lordship of Christ and the liberating Gospel of the Kingdom of God is central to addressing poverty in all its dimensions.

We share Christ’s compassion for the marginalized and vulnerable.

We imitate Christ’s example in serving others.

We are a Family

We affirm that EI is a family, an international multi-cultural community of fellow servants, caring for one another and serving God together.

We commit to loving each other as people created in God’s image, through serving, speaking the truth in love, and where we have differences, seeking to understand each other’s perspectives.

We Partner with Churches

By churches, we mean – An existing group of believers with recognizable leadership whose primary aim is to meet together for worship, who can affirm the EI Statement of Faith.

We affirm that local churches, being visible expressions of the universal Church, are God’s principally ordained agents of bringing about His Kingdom for His glory.

We uphold that the Church is God's primary instrument for bringing about His kingdom, as they lovingly proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel.

We commit to developing strong and healthy partnerships with churches as the basis for our ministry.

We recognize that situations exist where it is not possible to work directly with partner churches, and in these situations after consultation and agreement with the International Board, we may work with other partner organizations, still with the long-term aim of encouraging, equipping and assisting churches to serve holistically.

We Promote Holistic Ministry

We recognize that as people created in God’s image, we have physical, spiritual, and relational dimensions which are integrated to make us whole people.

We seek to follow Christ’s example, recognizing that the best response to poverty integrates spiritual development with improved physical, psychological, social and financial health.

We strive towards holistic ministry resulting in personal and community transformation.

We Promote Sustainable Development

We seek to build the capacity of local churches and their communities so they are better equipped to address the root causes of poverty in a sustainable fashion.

We commit to build on the past and learn from each other to develop best practices in sustainable holistic ministry.

We recognize that sustainable development is occurring when communities work together to identify their own problems; understand and address root causes; develop their own solutions; focus on prevention; take initiative; restore broken relationships with dignity and hope.

We promote the use of local resources as much as possible.

We are Impartial

We commit to working with our partner churches to serve people according to their whole needs, regardless of race, religion, or gender.

We affirm that meeting people’s basic needs will not be conditional on acceptance of a particular religious view or belief or practice.

We uphold people’s right to be entirely free to make up their own minds in regards to faith.

We Facilitate Global Sharing

We seek to facilitate strategic cooperation, encouraging the healthy interaction of churches as the body of Christ globally.

We recognize the need for mutual sharing of resources as God uses the plenty of some to provide what others lack.

We facilitate the global sharing of resources in a way that encourages spiritual growth and deeper commitment to service by all participants.

We are Transparent with Resources

We trust in God’s provision for our life and ministry.

We acknowledge that God in his grace has entrusted us to be good stewards of various resources with which to carry out His mission.

We commit to prayerfully manage those resources God has entrusted us with integrity, efficiency, diligence and excellence, and to be accountable to one another for how we manage resources.

We may access resources from any donors that do not compromise our values.

Our History...

Emmanuel International in Canada was founded by George Middleton in 1975, and first entered Uganda in 1983 under the authority of the Diocese of Northern Uganda (Church of Uganda). EI Uganda became a registered international NGO in Uganda in 1994, and a full self-governing affiliate of Emmanuel International in 2020. 

Our Affiliates...

EI Uganda is part of a network of organizations around the world, coordinated by the EI International Office in Canada. The network currently has 7 self-governing national affiliate organizations (including EI Uganda) and 3 project countries.

National Affiliates

Emmanuel International Malawi

Emmanuel International Mission (USA)

Emmanuel International Philippines

Emmanuel International UK

Emmanuel Relief & Rehabilitation International Canada

Missao Emanuel do Brasil

Project Countries


South Africa
